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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  arina 6/18/2013, 2:37 pm

Thank you for translation.

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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  sheny 6/19/2013, 7:02 am

Chris Colfer : “Struck n’aurait jamais pu se faire sans Glee” (INTERVIEW)

Chris in France - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_momw7jJb861qz4rgp

Il a seulement 23 ans, mais déjà une fiche Wikipédia bien remplie. Loin d’être seulement Kurt dans Glee, Chris Colfer est aussi doué devant une caméra qu’avec un stylo à la main. La preuve avec le sympathique Struck, film qu’il a imaginé… à l’âge de 16 ans. Brillant, l’acteur américain n’a pas pour autant la grosse tête. De passage à Paris pour le festival du film des Champs-Elysées, c’est tout sourire qu’il a répondu aux questions de Purebreak.

Purebreak : Struck est basé sur une idée que tu as eu à 16 ans, plus ou moins l’âge de Carson dans le film. Peut-on dire que c’est autobiographique ?
Chris Colfer : L’idée de Struck est basée sur toutes les frustrations que j’avais à l’âge de 16 ans. Mais sinon, ce n’est pas du tout autobiographique. C’est une vraie fiction. La seule chose réelle, c’est que Carson et moi étions tous les deux président du club d’écriture. Mais c’est tout.

Comment t’es venue cette histoire ?
C.C : J’étais un ado plutôt brillant mais pas très populaire, et je trouvais qu’il n’y avait pas de film ou d’histoire sur des gens comme moi. Tous les films qui se passent au lycée, se consacrent surtout aux cliques. Alors l’idée de Struck m’est venue. Je me suis dit qu’une histoire comme la mienne donnerait un long-métrage vraiment sympa.

Sept ans se sont écoulés entre l’idée de Struck et la conception du film. Beaucoup d’éléments ont changé en tant de temps ?
C.C : Rien n’a vraiment changé. Tout est plus ou moins la même chose. Le premier jet du script est celui que nous avons utilisé pendant le tournage. L’histoire est restée intacte.
Dès tes 16 ans tu t’es imaginé que Struck deviendrait un jour un film ?
C.C : C’est marrant, mais oui. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, parce que j’étais juste un ado dans une petite ville, mais j’étais persuadé que ça deviendrait un film. Je me disais : “ évidemment, bien sûr que ça sortira au cinéma. Je vais trouver un boulot, les gens vont m’apprécier et ils voudront tourner un film avec moi ”. Et c’est ce qui s’est passé, Dieu merci !

Tu as été ” struck ” (foudroyé) par l’idée de devenir un artiste ?
C.C : L’écriture était un moyen de m’échapper. Quand j’étais petit, j’adorais le cinéma et j’étais tellement triste quand les films se terminaient. Et je me disais que le seul moyen que le film ne finisse pas, c’était d’être de l’autre côté de l’écran.

Est-ce que Struck aurait pu se faire sans le succès de Glee ?
Oh, non. Je pense que personne n’aurait été intéressé sans Glee. Je dois beaucoup à la série. Mais cela n’a pas été facile. Nous avons pris beaucoup de rendez-vous avec des directeurs de production et des directeurs de studios, et personne n’y croyait vraiment. Il y a tellement d’ados comme Carson Phillips dans le monde, de jeunes brillants et motivés, mais aux Etats-Unis, les films pour ados sont toujours sur les idiots qui perdent leur virginité. Mais les jeunes ne se résument pas à ça. Alors comme Struck était différent de tout ça, ils voulaient tous le changer. Du coup, j’ai compris assez vite que ce serait un film indépendant.
“Rebel Wilson a été le miracle de ce film”

Carson et Kurt, ton personnage dans Glee, sont tous les deux des ” outcasts ” mais ils sont très différents. Auquel ressembles-tu le plus ?
Je dirais que je suis un peu des deux, peut-être. Kurt garde tout pour lui, alors que Carson est plus brusque, agressif et acerbe. Alors j’aime penser que je suis entre les deux.

Tu as aimé jouer un personnage aussi différence, plus impertinent ?
C’ était sympa de jouer un personnage qui ne se laisse pas faire, car je ne trouve pas que Kurt se défende assez. Il a tendance à laisser les gens se moquer de lui. J’ai aimé me mettre dans la peau d’un personnage sarcastique, avec du répondant.

Un autre acteur aurait pu le jouer ou c’était ton rôle ?
On me pose souvent cette question, et je réponds Meryl Streep car elle peut tout jouer (rires). Mais je ne sais pas… Je n’arrive pas à imaginer un autre acteur. Sans doute parce qu’il est dans ma tête depuis tant d’années, et que je l’ai toujours imaginé avec mon rôle.

Dans le film, il y a une jolie relation d’amitié entre Carson et Malory (Rebel Wilson). Cela a été difficile de trouver la bonne actrice pour le rôle ?
Rebel Wilson a été le vrai miracle de ce film. Elle a été casté la veille au soir du premier jour de tournage. Nous avions auditionné beaucoup d’actrices, et elles étaient toutes formidables, mais elles n’avaient pas ce parfait mélange de bizarrerie et d’originalité. Puis Rebel est arrivée et nous a stupéfiés. Neuf heures plus tard, elle était sur le plateau.

Rebel Wilson est maintenant une énorme star à Hollywood…
Oh, oui. Et à vrai dire, nous avons tourné Struck juste avant qu’elle ne fasse Hit Girls. Nous avons donc réussi à l’avoir avant qu’elle n’explose vraiment. Elle avait déjà fait Mes Meilleures Amies, et j’avais adoré, mais elle n’avait pas fait grand chose d’autre avant Struck. C’est probablement pour ça que nous avons pu l’avoir. Elle est incroyable. D’ailleurs je suis toujours en contact avec elle, je lui envoie sans cesse des textos.

Dans Struck, il y a beaucoup de têtes connues, d’acteurs de série. Tu as contribué à leur casting ?
Oui, énormément. A vrai dire, le casting a été extrêmement simple. Dès que l’on avait demandé à quelqu’un s’il voulait participer au film, il nous répondait oui ! Même des gens comme Allison Janney, Christina Hendricks (Mad Men), Dermot Mulroney… Jamais de la vie nous aurions pensé avoir de tels acteurs. Mais ils ont adoré le scénario et n’ont pas hésité.

En parlant de télé, à quelques séries es-tu accro ?
J’aime Downtown Abbey, Veep, Nurse Jackie… Et j’adore tout ce qui est documentaire. Puis dernièrement, je regarde beaucoup de mauvaise télé-réalité, comme les Real Housewives. Je crois savoir que vous avez ça en France aussi. C’est mauvais mais c’est drôle à regarder.

A quoi ressemblerait une série créée par Chris Colfer ?
Je pense que ça donnerait une version américaine d’Absolutely Fabulous. Pas forcément sur les mêmes sujets, mais ce type d’émission où tout est exagéré, et chaque dialogue est drôle. J’adorerais faire ça.
Avant une éventuelle série, tu travailles sur un autre film…
Oui, j’ai écrit beaucoup de films. J’en ai quatre qui n’attendent que d’être mis en chantier.

Comme trouves-tu le temps de faire tout ?
C’est ça le problème. C’est pour ça que mes films attendent sagement dans mes étagères, parce que je n’ai pas assez de temps (rires).

Tu as écrit un film, un livre, tu es star d’une série à succès… quels sont tes autres rêves ? Sortir un album studio ?
Un album, je crois que c’est ce que mes fans attendent le plus de moi. J’y ai réfléchi, je ne suis pas encore totalement convaincu, mais j’y pense. Sinon, j’adorerais faire de la scène, une pièce de théâtre ou bien une comédie musicale à Broadway.
Découvrez la partie 2 de l’interview de Chris Colfer, consacrée à Glee, demain sur Purebreak.

Someone made this comment about the interview so I guess it's good.
This is actually a great interview, very in depth. I agree with how he distances himself from Kurt for the way he allows other characters to walk all over him.There will be a second part to this interview. I’m looking forward to it.


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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  coxfire 6/19/2013, 7:21 am


Last edited by coxfire on 6/19/2013, 7:25 am; edited 1 time in total

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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  ColferInspired 6/19/2013, 7:22 am

sheny wrote:
Chris Colfer : “Struck n’aurait jamais pu se faire sans Glee” (INTERVIEW)

Chris in France - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_momw7jJb861qz4rgp

Il a seulement 23 ans, mais déjà une fiche Wikipédia bien remplie. Loin d’être seulement Kurt dans Glee, Chris Colfer est aussi doué devant une caméra qu’avec un stylo à la main. La preuve avec le sympathique Struck, film qu’il a imaginé… à l’âge de 16 ans. Brillant, l’acteur américain n’a pas pour autant la grosse tête. De passage à Paris pour le festival du film des Champs-Elysées, c’est tout sourire qu’il a répondu aux questions de Purebreak.

Purebreak : Struck est basé sur une idée que tu as eu à 16 ans, plus ou moins l’âge de Carson dans le film. Peut-on dire que c’est autobiographique ?
Chris Colfer : L’idée de Struck est basée sur toutes les frustrations que j’avais à l’âge de 16 ans. Mais sinon, ce n’est pas du tout autobiographique. C’est une vraie fiction. La seule chose réelle, c’est que Carson et moi étions tous les deux président du club d’écriture. Mais c’est tout.

Comment t’es venue cette histoire ?
C.C : J’étais un ado plutôt brillant mais pas très populaire, et je trouvais qu’il n’y avait pas de film ou d’histoire sur des gens comme moi. Tous les films qui se passent au lycée, se consacrent surtout aux cliques. Alors l’idée de Struck m’est venue. Je me suis dit qu’une histoire comme la mienne donnerait un long-métrage vraiment sympa.

Sept ans se sont écoulés entre l’idée de Struck et la conception du film. Beaucoup d’éléments ont changé en tant de temps ?
C.C : Rien n’a vraiment changé. Tout est plus ou moins la même chose. Le premier jet du script est celui que nous avons utilisé pendant le tournage. L’histoire est restée intacte.
Dès tes 16 ans tu t’es imaginé que Struck deviendrait un jour un film ?
C.C : C’est marrant, mais oui. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, parce que j’étais juste un ado dans une petite ville, mais j’étais persuadé que ça deviendrait un film. Je me disais : “ évidemment, bien sûr que ça sortira au cinéma. Je vais trouver un boulot, les gens vont m’apprécier et ils voudront tourner un film avec moi ”. Et c’est ce qui s’est passé, Dieu merci !

Tu as été ” struck ” (foudroyé) par l’idée de devenir un artiste ?
C.C : L’écriture était un moyen de m’échapper. Quand j’étais petit, j’adorais le cinéma et j’étais tellement triste quand les films se terminaient. Et je me disais que le seul moyen que le film ne finisse pas, c’était d’être de l’autre côté de l’écran.

Est-ce que Struck aurait pu se faire sans le succès de Glee ?
Oh, non. Je pense que personne n’aurait été intéressé sans Glee. Je dois beaucoup à la série. Mais cela n’a pas été facile. Nous avons pris beaucoup de rendez-vous avec des directeurs de production et des directeurs de studios, et personne n’y croyait vraiment. Il y a tellement d’ados comme Carson Phillips dans le monde, de jeunes brillants et motivés, mais aux Etats-Unis, les films pour ados sont toujours sur les idiots qui perdent leur virginité. Mais les jeunes ne se résument pas à ça. Alors comme Struck était différent de tout ça, ils voulaient tous le changer. Du coup, j’ai compris assez vite que ce serait un film indépendant.
“Rebel Wilson a été le miracle de ce film”

Carson et Kurt, ton personnage dans Glee, sont tous les deux des ” outcasts ” mais ils sont très différents. Auquel ressembles-tu le plus ?
Je dirais que je suis un peu des deux, peut-être. Kurt garde tout pour lui, alors que Carson est plus brusque, agressif et acerbe. Alors j’aime penser que je suis entre les deux.

Tu as aimé jouer un personnage aussi différence, plus impertinent ?
C’ était sympa de jouer un personnage qui ne se laisse pas faire, car je ne trouve pas que Kurt se défende assez. Il a tendance à laisser les gens se moquer de lui. J’ai aimé me mettre dans la peau d’un personnage sarcastique, avec du répondant.

Un autre acteur aurait pu le jouer ou c’était ton rôle ?
On me pose souvent cette question, et je réponds Meryl Streep car elle peut tout jouer (rires). Mais je ne sais pas… Je n’arrive pas à imaginer un autre acteur. Sans doute parce qu’il est dans ma tête depuis tant d’années, et que je l’ai toujours imaginé avec mon rôle.

Dans le film, il y a une jolie relation d’amitié entre Carson et Malory (Rebel Wilson). Cela a été difficile de trouver la bonne actrice pour le rôle ?
Rebel Wilson a été le vrai miracle de ce film. Elle a été casté la veille au soir du premier jour de tournage. Nous avions auditionné beaucoup d’actrices, et elles étaient toutes formidables, mais elles n’avaient pas ce parfait mélange de bizarrerie et d’originalité. Puis Rebel est arrivée et nous a stupéfiés. Neuf heures plus tard, elle était sur le plateau.

Rebel Wilson est maintenant une énorme star à Hollywood…
Oh, oui. Et à vrai dire, nous avons tourné Struck juste avant qu’elle ne fasse Hit Girls. Nous avons donc réussi à l’avoir avant qu’elle n’explose vraiment. Elle avait déjà fait Mes Meilleures Amies, et j’avais adoré, mais elle n’avait pas fait grand chose d’autre avant Struck. C’est probablement pour ça que nous avons pu l’avoir. Elle est incroyable. D’ailleurs je suis toujours en contact avec elle, je lui envoie sans cesse des textos.

Dans Struck, il y a beaucoup de têtes connues, d’acteurs de série. Tu as contribué à leur casting ?
Oui, énormément. A vrai dire, le casting a été extrêmement simple. Dès que l’on avait demandé à quelqu’un s’il voulait participer au film, il nous répondait oui ! Même des gens comme Allison Janney, Christina Hendricks (Mad Men), Dermot Mulroney… Jamais de la vie nous aurions pensé avoir de tels acteurs. Mais ils ont adoré le scénario et n’ont pas hésité.

En parlant de télé, à quelques séries es-tu accro ?
J’aime Downtown Abbey, Veep, Nurse Jackie… Et j’adore tout ce qui est documentaire. Puis dernièrement, je regarde beaucoup de mauvaise télé-réalité, comme les Real Housewives. Je crois savoir que vous avez ça en France aussi. C’est mauvais mais c’est drôle à regarder.

A quoi ressemblerait une série créée par Chris Colfer ?
Je pense que ça donnerait une version américaine d’Absolutely Fabulous. Pas forcément sur les mêmes sujets, mais ce type d’émission où tout est exagéré, et chaque dialogue est drôle. J’adorerais faire ça.
Avant une éventuelle série, tu travailles sur un autre film…
Oui, j’ai écrit beaucoup de films. J’en ai quatre qui n’attendent que d’être mis en chantier.

Comme trouves-tu le temps de faire tout ?
C’est ça le problème. C’est pour ça que mes films attendent sagement dans mes étagères, parce que je n’ai pas assez de temps (rires).

Tu as écrit un film, un livre, tu es star d’une série à succès… quels sont tes autres rêves ? Sortir un album studio ?
Un album, je crois que c’est ce que mes fans attendent le plus de moi. J’y ai réfléchi, je ne suis pas encore totalement convaincu, mais j’y pense. Sinon, j’adorerais faire de la scène, une pièce de théâtre ou bien une comédie musicale à Broadway.
Découvrez la partie 2 de l’interview de Chris Colfer, consacrée à Glee, demain sur Purebreak.

Someone made this comment about the interview so I guess it's good.
This is actually a great interview, very in depth. I agree with how he distances himself from Kurt for the way he allows other characters to  walk all over him.There will be a second part to this interview. I’m looking forward to it.

I have a translator on my computer, but it doesn't always work, but it didn't do too bad this time I think.

Chris Colfer: "Struck would never have been possible without Glee" (INTERVIEW)

It was only 23 years old but already a Wikipedia page busy. Far from being only Kurt in Glee , Chris Colfer is gifted to a camera with a pen in hand. Proof with friendly Struck , a film he envisioned ... at the age of 16 years. Brilliant, the American actor did not mean a big head. While in Paris for the film festival Champs-Elysees, this is all smiles he answered questions from Purebreak.
Purebreak: Struck is based on an idea that you had 16 years or more under the age of Carson in the movie. Can we say that it is autobiographical?
Chris Colfer: Struck The idea is based on all the frustration I had at the age of 16 years. But otherwise, it is not at all autobiographical. This is a real fiction. The real thing is that Carson and I were both president of the writing club. But that's all.
Purebreak:How did you come up with this story?
CC: I was a rather brilliant but not very popular teen, and I found that there was no film or story about people like me. All films that are going to school, are mainly devoted cliques. Then the idea came to me Struck. I told a story like mine give a really nice feature.
Purebreak: Seven years have elapsed between the idea of Struck and design of the film. Much has changed in so long?
CC: Nothing has really changed. Everything is more or less the same thing. The first draft of the script is the one we used for the shoot. The story remained intact.
Purebreak: Once your 16 you're imagined that you would one day Struck a movie?
CC: It's funny, but yes. I do not know why, because I was just a teenager in a small town, but I was convinced that it would become a movie. I thought, " of course, of course it comes out in theaters. I'll find a job, people will like me and they want to make a film with me . " And that's what happened, thank you God!
Purebreak: You were "struck" (struck) by the idea of becoming an artist?
CC: The writing was a way to escape. When I was little, I loved the movie and I was so sad when the movie is finished. And I thought that the only way that the film does not end, it was to be on the other side of the screen.
Purebreak: Is Struck have been possible without the success of Glee?
Oh, no. I do not think anyone would have been interested without Glee. I owe a lot to the series. But it was not easy. We took a lot of appointments with production managers and studio heads, and nobody really believed. There are so many teens as Carson Phillips in the world, young bright and motivated, but the United States, movies for teens are always the idiots who lose their virginity. But young people are not confined to that. So as Struck was different from all that, they all wanted change. So, I quickly realized that this would be an independent film.
"Rebel Wilson was the miracle of this film"
Purebreak:Carson and Kurt, your character on Glee, are both of "outcasts" but they are very different. Which are you like the most?
CC: I would say I'm a bit of both, perhaps. Kurt keeps everything to him, while Carson is more abrupt, aggressive and sharp. So I like to think I'm in between.
Purebreak: You loved playing a character as difference, more sassy?
CC: That was fun to play a character who is not allowed to do, because I do not think Kurt defend enough. He tends to let people make fun of him. I like to put myself in the shoes of a sarcastic character with the respondent.
Purebreak: Another actor could play or what was your role?
People often ask me this question, and I answer Meryl Streep because she can play everything (laughs). But I do not know ... I can not imagine another actor. Probably because it's in my head for so many years, and I always imagined with my role.
Purebreak: In the film, there is a pretty friendly relationship between Carson and Malory (Rebel Wilson). It was difficult to find the right actress for the role?
CC: Rebel Wilson was the real miracle of this film. She was cast the night before the first day of shooting. We auditioned many actresses, and they were all great, but they do not have that perfect blend of quirkiness and originality. Rebel then arrived and we were amazed. Nine hours later, she was on the board.
Purebreak: Rebel Wilson is now a huge star in Hollywood ...
CC: Oh, yes. And indeed, we turned Struck just before it makes Hit Girls . So we managed to get it before it really explodes. She had already made ​​My Best Friends , and I loved it, but she did not do much else before Struck. This is probably why we were able to have. It is incredible. Besides, I am still in contact with her, I sent him constantly texting.
Purebreak: In Struck, there are many familiar faces, actors series. You helped them cast?
CC: Yes, very much. Indeed, the cast was extremely simple. As soon as you asked someone if they wanted to participate in the film, he replied yes we! Even people like Allison Janney, Christina Hendricks (Mad Men), Dermot Mulroney ... No way we could have thought of such actors. But they loved the script and did not hesitate.
Purebreak: Speaking of TV, few series are you addicted?
CC: Like Downtown Abbey , Veep , Nurse Jackie ... And I love everything documentary. Then recently, I watch a lot of bad reality TV, like Real Housewives. I understand that you have that in France also . It's bad but it's funny to watch.
Purebreak: What would a series created by Chris Colfer?
CC: I think it would an American version of Absolutely Fabulous . Not necessarily on the same subjects, but this type of program where everything is exaggerated, and each dialogue is funny. I love to do that.
Purebreak: Before any series, you work on another film ...
CC: Yes, I've written a lot of movies. I have four that are waiting to be started.
Purebreak: As do you find the time to do everything?
CC: That's the problem. This is why my films waiting quietly in my shelves, because I do not have enough time (laughs).
Purebreak: You wrote a movie, a book, you're a star hit series ... what are your other dreams? Released a studio album?
CC: An album, I think that's what my fans expect more from me. I thought about it, I'm still not totally convinced, but I think. Otherwise, I'd love to do the scene, a play or a musical on Broadway.
Check out Part 2 of the interview with Chris Colfer, Glee devoted to, tomorrow Purebreak.
[ Source ]
Inner Grandma
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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  Lottie2303 6/19/2013, 7:40 am

That is a very good interview.

Four movies... I want to see all of them! I'd also kill my bank account to fly to NYC to see Chris on BW. I want that to happen so badly.
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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  arina 6/19/2013, 7:57 am

It's kinda problem when you read every interview with Chris and they ask everywhere rather similar questions so it's like you knew 90 % of it beforehand.

I would love to have new interview with Rae Votta because she is fan, she often asks no so traditional questions.

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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  Lottie2303 6/19/2013, 8:05 am

Agreed, but in this case they actually got new and interessting information. I also like the answer how his personal TV show would look like.

But, the first 3/4 of the interview is basically the same. It is a shame that many journalists don't do any research.
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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  coxfire 6/19/2013, 8:25 am

Lottie2303 wrote:Agreed, but in this case they actually got new and interessting information. I also like the answer how his personal TV show would look like.

But, the first 3/4 of the interview is basically the same. It is a shame that many journalists don't do any research.

I don't think they don't do their research, I think it's more a case of doing a general interview, assuming that all the readers are not necessarily Chris' fans. We are, so we of course know everything about him and the movie, but the journalists have to put themselves in the shoes of readers that might not, and will just read the article casually.

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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  Lottie2303 6/19/2013, 8:31 am

True, stop being so logical tonguue . Still, it annoys me and you can ask good questions which can be useful for the normale reader but also his fans.
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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  Glorfindel 6/19/2013, 8:44 am

4 Movies!!! 4!!!! ohmy

I'll just let that sink in for a while..... panik
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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  coxfire 6/19/2013, 8:53 am

Lottie2303 wrote:True, stop being so logical tonguue. Still, it annoys me and you can ask good questions which can be useful for the normale reader but also his fans.

Sorry Laughing

I totally agree, I would love to have new or at least different questions aked, but I think that US journalist can afford it now, Chris is well known there, wether in France, Chris was more of a newcomer. Glee is popular among teens, but not really among adults, so Chris wasn't really known from the journalist back then.

What is extremely pleasing is to watch the reactions of these adults, like Morandini or Cauet or those from Virgin Radio, who were all very impressed by Chris, his talent, his maturity, and his achievements, but also all said he was a sweetheart. And in France, SBL has been received quite well. It's not considered the best movie ever, but French cinema is more similar to the indie atmosphere SBL has than US blockbusters, and critics do like more introspective and character-driven stories.

As we said a little bit earlier, if any of us would talk to chris, we sure would talk to him differently and ask him other questions. Like: what do you really think of Glee? You still enjoy doing it but as a writer don't you find the writing awful? What is your REAL opinion on Klaine considering the cheating? Did you like the noobs? What part of Kurt do you absolutely hate? Which scenes or lines didn't you like having to play? Are you going to write other novels than TLoS, etc.

An other thing he said that really ticked me off: in the virgin Radio, they asked about some BTS scoops, and he replied they were a lot in the first seasons but now everyone just eats, rests or reads in his/her corner => that shows a real shift in the general BTS atmosphere, and I think that bloating the cast like they did broke the dynamics the originals had together.

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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  arina 6/19/2013, 9:29 am

I would love to have some new longer (at least 20 minutes long) more insightful interview. These I like the best. I hope with new book there will be something new.

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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  arina 6/19/2013, 10:34 am


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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  Buenos 6/19/2013, 11:14 am

In another interview a few months back IIRC  one of the movies was a Sci Fi one. Smile  I'm intrigued if he actually has written 4 complete screenplays, where does the man have the time?
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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  Glorfindel 6/19/2013, 11:36 am

That's such a cute story. neutre
And she writes so eloquently.

She didn't expect anything but came simply to support him, and Chris thanked her!
(And Alla was perfect too.) crycry

I've decided to copy and paste that story, it deserves its own place here:

I met Chris Smile- SBL avant-première, Paris, June 12nd.
Hi guys :)I’m not sure if you want to know about this, and this is a Post-It dedicated page..but since this whole project is about Chris, I decided that a little report of one of the best days of my life thanks to him would fit well Smile
I’m sure I won’t be brief, but I’ll concentrate on the moments when I had some sort of interaction with him..feel free to contact me on twitter or send me a private message if you wanna know more! 
First of all, I went there dressed up like the pencil girl. A lot of people had amazing shirts, accessories all “lightning-bolt”-shaped, but I was the only one with a complete yeah, I drew the attention XD
Also, my dress lit up ‘cause I put led-lights under it..the effect inside the theatre was amazing :)Here I am:
Chris in France - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_momx7mKrzJ1qz4rgp
I was there waiting outside the theatre since 9am and I spent the time with some amazing people..the waiting wasn’t bad at all! 
When they had finally set up the red carpet and barriers I found myself behind the interviewers and televisions. Very close to the red carpet, but with no chance at all to interact with Chris ‘cause he couldn’t walk anywhere near us.
So I didn’t get a picture with him, I didn’t have him close. And you know what? I don’t care. I wasn’t there for an autograph or picture. I was there to support him. I couldn’t believe I had him just a few feet away from me. When he got there I freezed, not out of fear, but because of an  overwhelming amount of emotions, so unreal. It felt like a dream. I didn’t even freak out..I was speechlees, just staring, my heart exploding.This is the only decent picture I took of him..he was that close:
Chris in France - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_momxvndJjl1qz4rgp
Yes, I wished I could have some sort of interaction with him and when I thought I couldn’t even have that, I started crying. Well, I was wrong. You can’t imagine how the words “don’t stop believing” fit here.
As soon as Chris shifted in front of me to do an interview, he immediately noticed me. The reporters moved to give him a better view of me. He was right in front of me, he made eye contact with me. He spoke to ME, just me. He said: “Omg! Thank you! Thank you SO MUCH! You’re gorgeous!”…and I replied “no…thank YOU..for everything”.. and he made that smile which is a mix of pouting and smile…and it was the best thing I could ever ask for. He smiled because of me. He thanked me. How crazy is that? He didn’t have to thank me! I did nothing!
And you know what? There weren’t many people around me, ‘cause as soon as they understood we were behind the TVs, everybody moved away. There weren’t screaming girls around me, I was comfortable, no pushing, no confusion. In that moment, he gave me his WHOLE attention. He looked into my eyes and talked to me, I could perfectly hear him. I couldn’t wish for anything more perfect
As if it wasn’t enough, Alla asked me if I wanted my book to be signed. I don’t know if she’ll never know how much what she did meant to me. I wasn’t going to ask for an autograph and where we were, Chris couldn’t sign anything. But she took my book and had it signed. I still can’t believe how lucky I’ve been, I feel so grateful.
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No, I don’t have a video of him talking with me, I don’t have pictures. I would have NEVER ruined that moment thinking about taking pics or making a vid. I could speak with him, I have that moment so engraved in my mind, I will never, ever forget it. After that I started crying, all the emotions I had bottled inside exploding in that moment..and I’m so glad I had met these two INCREDIBLE girls, Ruzha and Silviya…we talked for about an hour before Chris arrived and we shared those moments together..they hugged me and hold me while I was crying, meeting them has been a BLESSING.
So..thank you Chris. For giving me your attention, for making me feel a little special for a few seconds. For making all my efforts SO worth it. For giving me the best gift you could, your smile.
Then we entered the theatre and that’s when I lit up my costume. He introduced the movie and when he looked towards us, he saw me and pointed at me and smiled, then he said something to Roberto. I was SO happy.
After the movie, he came back for Q&As and I’ve been lucky enough to ask him a question. I wanted to tell him something more and sweet after the question..but before I could talk, this happened and my mind went blank:
I took the microphone and when he noticed it was me and he saw my costume, he SMILED so wide…and people inside the theatre started cheering at ME and clapping their hands…and he did the same, while telling “I love it..I love it..” the gif of his smile and first “I love it”…*-*(thanks Barb!) 

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This was my dress effect:
Chris in France - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_momz9weUfA1qz4rgp
It can be described as the most unbelievable, amazing, exciting, touching moment in my entire life, because I did it all for HIM and HE was there clapping his hands for me, he who has done so much for so many people, and me, just a normal girl who did absolutely NOTHING except trying to celebrate in the best way possibile his achievement…
Anyway, after that I just asked my question, which has been the happiest and more difficult moment during the whole SBL project.  I couldn’t say anything more, ‘cause I was floored. I sat back down and just stared, for good 15 minutes, without any reaction.
Here the two best pics I took of him inside..
Chris in France - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_mon05wiCBR1qz4rgp
Chris in France - Page 15 Tumblr_inline_mon068y8lJ1qz4rgp’s two videos where you can hear my question and the moment I was talking about:
So..that’s it. I kept re-living those moments so many times, laughing and crying, not completely realizing they were real. There’s still a part of me that can’t believe this happened.
I left for Paris with no expectations. I came back with the best experience of my life, I still can’t stop smiling.
DREAMS DO COME TRUE. You just don’t give up. I was scared, worried, I didn’t know what to expect, I didn’t want to impose, I didn’t scream to get his attention, I didn’t try to get the best places or anything. And look what happened to me. Sometimes things don’t work out, I know. BUT sometimes they do.
That’s why I think that every single moment in our lives should be lived for these moments, when all you’ve ever wished for comes true.

Last edited by Glorfindel on 6/19/2013, 11:44 am; edited 3 times in total
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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  arina 6/19/2013, 11:41 am

Buenos wrote:In another interview a few months back IIRC  one of the movies was a Sci Fi one. Smile  I'm intrigued if he actually has written 4 complete screenplays, where does the man have the time?
I personally think he has the time-turning device Hermione had in Prisoner of Azkaban, there's no other way.

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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  arina 6/19/2013, 12:17 pm

This is a google translation of this one new french interview

Four years after the debut of the series  "Glee" ,  Chris Colfer  takes off and shows us all his talents in his new film, "Struck" ("Struck by Lightning" in the original version), which comes out in theaters today. . More than a singer and actor, Chris Colfer is also a writer, a writer and a producer! To promote his film in France, we met this person, always enthusiastic and a head full of projects ...
Is spoken of as the new "Juno" and effectively "Struck" is not like the movies that teenagers industry used to promote. It is precisely to keep the authenticity of the United States, Chris Colfer and his team decided to focus on the DVD release and video sites at the request ... But in France, the actor plays the game the promotion and signings (his screenplay also became a book, published by Michel Lafont).
Carson, a student smart and sarcastic, dreams of leaving his hometown to become a great journalist at the New York Times. But to integrate the university of his dreams, he must be a concrete case. He then had the idea to start his own literary magazine in high school ... But how to convince more interested in sports and prom students to write for him? Fortunately, everyone has a secret, and Carson is ready for anything, even to blackmail ...
Here is finally an interesting character! In "Struck," Carson plays a schoolboy light years from  teen  ordinary and portrayed in films. Losing viriginité be part of the cool bands, go to the prom: it just was not interested and would rather fast forward to university, that truly set the life of his dreams ... But be careful, it does not mean it is better than its peers. By thinking that the best high school in a small town, it will eventually become worse than them ...
If the moral of the story (enjoy the present moment), and this too is sometimes shared way too candid, we must admit that the characters are endearing ( Rebel Wilson , Sarah Hyland and Allison Janney in mother passed) and Chris Colfer is great for teen disillusioned and cynical. And we can not say that having been struck by lightning has softened the lot!

Interview with Chris Colfer ...

In "Struck," Carson tells his adventures in a sort of flashback, after being struck by lightning. Why did you take the party to announce the death of the character from the beginning of the film?
I thought it was ideal to give a lesson, it was more dramatic ... In the film, so he expects that his life begins, he never really lived in the moment. The fact that he finally learns to live and be happy, just before his life it is removed, it serves as a tragic example ...
In "Glee" and "Struck", you use your personal experiences to give advice and hope to young people. Is what is important to you, as an actor, to use your work to deliver messages?
I think I have a chance to do so, yes. When I wanted to become an actor, it's not what I wanted, and I really did not become a model, or an ambassador for anything. But I think if you can afford to help someone, you actually have to.
Is that's why you found yourself in the 100 most influential people by TIME?
Maybe! I'm still waiting for someone to tell me I had a good influence on him! (Laughs) But I think it's my role as Kurt in "Glee" which allowed me to have that title ...
You used to run in a series, what it's like to be on the set of a movie?
It was very different ... In fact, even the way we had to film had nothing to do. In "Glee" was filmed last four seasons on film, and it takes time to put everything in place, cameras, lights, etc. ... "Struck" was shot in digital, which is very easy to install . For example, we shot scenes Alison and me in the dark, because the camera can absorb much more light than a conventional camera. It was much faster, and it's true that it's nice to have a deadline, to see the finish line ...
What's it like to be writer and executive producer of his own film?
It's great. I'm glad I had both titles, because ultimately, it was my story and I was able to keep control over, as a producer, and I could tell it the way I wanted, in as a writer.
And what did you think of the role of writer?
I never thought in a book  (it was during the first screening of the film "Struck By Lightning" his agent told him that it would make a great book, note) , it is true that I doing things backwards. But I feel that it is much easier to write a script than a book, it takes less time anyway. And with the movie, you know you'll help to make history come alive, there is the costume designer, the department sets etc., which are there to keep things running. But in the book, you really have to give all the details, to descriptions of places, people ...
And if you had the opportunity to have your own column in a magazine, as it is the dream of Carson, what it would be published?
Oh, that's a good question! I never thought or wanted to become a journalist, I prefer creative writing like scenarios and books ... But if I had a column, it would be a fun magazine. Perhaps the  New York Times , but I do not know if they would have me in their pages! I will certainly have a very satirical column, in which I discuss things that bother me, the fun going.
You stayed a week in Paris: what do you think of our capital?
I just love Paris ... This is one of my favorite cities. And I love Versailles, I've been there four times I think  (there is also went the day after the interview, note) . I love everything related to history actually visit museums to see exhibits.
Since then, Chris Colfer went through London and then returned to the United States for other adventures: the release of the book "The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns" (the second installment of a trilogy), shooting a new movie and of course, the  season 5 of "Glee"  !

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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  fantastica 6/20/2013, 12:07 am

Glorfindel wrote:4 Movies!!! 4!!!! ohmy

I'll just let that sink in for a while..... panik

ok, we know one is asylum, another is the Little Witch for Disney, and another is "epic biography" of some sort, and another is sci fi. i hope chris play more than a robot in the sci fi movie. Smile
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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  Buenos 6/20/2013, 2:14 am

From how Chris talked about it in the interview, I think the biopic is an outside project where he is hoping to be cast.  So the genre of one of his 4 movies may still be a mystery. Smile

Here is one source:

Fresno bee: wrote:Either way, Colfer will have plenty to keep him busy. Along with what’s already on his hectic schedule, there are sci-fi, historical and superhero movies he’s written that he would like to see made. And he’s not completely against the idea of directing, but he would probably want to be a hyphenate such as writer-director.

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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  arina 6/20/2013, 2:37 am

I love Chris is able to do his own movies and I definitely want more of them but I would love to see him cast in someone else work as well.

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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  Lottie2303 6/20/2013, 2:58 am

Chris is so talented, he shouldn't have to write all the time his own movies just to be in one. Overall, I want all 4 movies to see the light of the day and also outside projects. I am still so, so curious whom he may portray. I hope he gets the parts, otherwise we may never know :(
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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  Glorfindel 6/20/2013, 5:44 am

I don't think this was here? A chill picture at the SBL premiere:

Chris in France - Page 15 Tumblr_monyn4Mev21qiqb4io1_500

(OT, but I kinda fancy that french bodyguard. And he's not my type at all! ohmy)
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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  arina 6/20/2013, 5:51 am

The google translation of second part of one of his french interviews

Part 2 of our interview with Chris Colfer. While in Paris to promote his film Struck, the actor of 23 years has agreed to talk about Glee, back in September on FOX for season 5. Aware that his character has become a role model for millions of teenagers, the interpreter does not hide that he has a "tremendous pressure".
With Lea Michele , the talented Chris Colfer is the star of Glee. Nominated for an Emmy in 2010 and 2011 Golden Globe in 2011 for "Best Actor in a Supporting Role series," he made ​​Kurt is a key figure in American television. But playing such a role, it is also a huge responsibility. This is certainly what the actor - soon filming of season 5 of Glee - told us during his visit to Paris to promote Struck .

Find Part 1 of our interview with Chris Colfer: "Struck would not have been possible without Glee" .

Purebreak: You'll soon find Glee. What can we expect for Kurt this season?
Chris Colfer: I have no idea! I asked the writers, and I do not even know if they know themselves. I gave some ideas then with a little luck, it will go in that direction.

You loved your story in season 4? Turn New York?
Loved shooting in New York and I really, really enjoyed working with Sarah Jessica Parker . She is adorable and I really appreciate that. So I hope to work with her ​​more.

She will return this season?
I hope, and I think so. We had a great time, so I hope so.

Is it going to be something between Kurt and Blaine?
I do not know, but I think so. They are not together in the last episode of season 4 , but I guess they will find themselves. I think that's what most fans, so we'll see interest.

At the end of the season, think Blaine asked Kurt's hand. Gay marriage is still being debated in the U.S., and France. Do you think it's important that Glee raises such questions?
Absolutely. For me, this is one of the greatest strengths of the series: Glee exploring sensitive issues with an open mind. After talking with Ryan Murphy , I loved the idea that a young or a young gay in any city or state, can identify with these characters and consider marriage as a real possibility in the future. At the same time, sometimes I'm like "Wow, they only have 16! ". Show young people who marry at 16, this is not the best example, but it's great that they are talking about.

The reactions are positive in the U.S. for this type of issue?
It depends if people are in a good mood or not. It's like the weather, it varies. There is a small line between revolutionary and moralizing. Depending on their mood, people say that our series is one or the other.

Kurt became a model for many young people, especially young gays. It is a pressure?
Absolutely. The character has done so well that, unfortunately, if I ever did something wrong in my private life, I think it reflects on the image of the character Kurt. So this is a huge pressure with which I try to juggle.

As you write, do you intervene in the scenario?
Maybe a little too much, maybe I drunk (laughs). Sometimes there's a line of dialogue and there is just a little note that I do not like, and I change it. "I just changed a few words." But the writers are very open. If I have a good idea that fascinates me, they add to the story.

Have you ever thought about writing an episode one day?
I do not know if this is something I want. Glee is not my world. These are not my characters, my imagination. So I do not know if I would ever want to take me up to another and make it selfish. If I wrote an episode, it would only speak to Kurt, so he better not (laughs).


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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  sheny 6/20/2013, 6:02 am

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Chris in France - Page 15 Empty Re: Chris in France

Post  Lottie2303 6/20/2013, 6:20 am

arina wrote:The google translation of second part of one of his french interviews

Part 2 of our interview with Chris Colfer. While in Paris to promote his film Struck, the actor of 23 years has agreed to talk about Glee, back in September on FOX for season 5. Aware that his character has become a role model for millions of teenagers, the interpreter does not hide that he has a "tremendous pressure".
With  Lea Michele , the talented  Chris Colfer  is the star of Glee. Nominated for an Emmy in 2010 and 2011  Golden Globe in 2011  for "Best Actor in a Supporting Role series," he made ​​Kurt is a key figure in American television. But playing such a role, it is also a huge responsibility. This is certainly what the actor - soon filming of  season 5 of Glee  - told us during his visit to Paris to promote Struck .

Find Part 1 of our interview with Chris Colfer:  "Struck would not have been possible without Glee" .

Purebreak: You'll soon find Glee. What can we expect for Kurt this season?
Chris Colfer:  I have no idea! I asked the writers, and I do not even know if they know themselves. I gave some ideas then with a little luck, it will go in that direction.

You loved your story in season 4? Turn New York?
Loved shooting in New York and I really, really enjoyed working with  Sarah Jessica Parker . She is adorable and I really appreciate that. So I hope to work with her ​​more.

She will return this season?
I hope, and I think so. We had a great time, so I hope so.

Is it going to be something between Kurt and Blaine?
I do not know, but I think so. They are not together in the  last episode of season 4 , but I guess they will find themselves. I think that's what most fans, so we'll see interest.

At the end of the season, think Blaine asked Kurt's hand. Gay marriage is still being debated in the U.S., and France. Do you think it's important that Glee raises such questions?
Absolutely. For me, this is one of the greatest strengths of the series:  Glee  exploring sensitive issues with an open mind. After talking with  Ryan Murphy , I loved the idea that a young or a young gay in any city or state, can identify with these characters and consider marriage as a real possibility in the future. At the same time, sometimes I'm like "Wow, they only have 16! ". Show young people who marry at 16, this is not the best example, but it's great that they are talking about.

The reactions are positive in the U.S. for this type of issue?
It depends if people are in a good mood or not. It's like the weather, it varies. There is a small line between revolutionary and moralizing. Depending on their mood, people say that our series is one or the other.

Kurt became a model for many young people, especially young gays. It is a pressure?
Absolutely. The character has done so well that, unfortunately, if I ever did something wrong in my private life, I think it reflects on the image of the character Kurt. So this is a huge pressure with which I try to juggle.

As you write, do you intervene in the scenario?
Maybe a little too much, maybe I drunk (laughs). Sometimes there's a line of dialogue and there is just a little note that I do not like, and I change it. "I just changed a few words." But the writers are very open. If I have a good idea that fascinates me, they add to the story.

Have you ever thought about writing an episode one day?
I do not know if this is something I want. Glee is not my world. These are not my characters, my imagination. So I do not know if I would ever want to take me up to another and make it selfish. If I wrote an episode, it would only speak to Kurt, so he better not (laughs).

And all hope for S5 (that didn't exist in the first place) are once again shattered. It is sad that the entire arc of Kurt is all about Blaine nowadays. Also it makes me sad that Chris sincerely believes the entire fandom wants Klaine. How come us Non-Klainers are not notices? :(

But Chris is much more diplomatic about the proposal storylines. Hen basically compliments the writers for addressing it, but still makes his very strong point they are also talking about teenager. It is a good mix.
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